ホンジュラス関係 The Japan Times 12日の記事です。

Honduras ditches coup amnesty

Tegucigalpa AFP-JIJI, AP
Deposed Honduran President Manuel Zelaya and the interim government agreed Saturday to create a joint
Cabinet and ditch amnesty for coup leaders, one of the ousted leader’s negotiators said.
But both measures depend on Zelaya’s return to the presidency, still far from certain four months
into the standoff that emerged from the June 28 coup.
The information of a national unity government and amnesty for crimes linked to the coup were two key
points of the San Jose reconciliation agenda set out in August, the central tenet of which calls for
Zelaya’s return to office.
Honduras’s interim leaders put in place new rules Saturday that threaten broadcasters with closure
for airing reports that “attack national security,” further restricting media freedom after the
closure of two opposition stations.
Under the decree, “the frequencies of radio or television stations may be canceled if they transmit
messages that incite national hate and the destruction of public property.”
Officials can monitor and control broadcast messages that “attack national security,” according the
